When I first stepped out of the exit to Shin-Okubo I was a bit dazed. There was a really hyped up atmosphere ( and I think it was a weekday). We could so an idol shop with cutouts of the characters from Your Beautiful and you could stick your face in her face. This drama is being remade in Japan atm do it's really popular. They also had the world of all SHINEe goods (who are also kinda everywhere since the release of Juliette and SM Town Japan). As me and my friend were making our way over we saw this huge screaming group of girls. We went up and saw it was this new k-pop boy group (S.O.S) who we're promoting a performance they were doing in Japan's Coffee Prince café. We were gonna go to it but it was 2000 yen each and we had no idea who this band was (though we did squee a little when they talked to my friend in Korean)
So after that we hit the idol shops and I went a little bit crazy. It was so much fun there becuse everyone else there were just as big crazy fan girls. I kitted out k-pop corner from there (still need to go back and get some SHINEe stuff to finish it off) and I got a pigrabbit phone charm. Since the Japanese version is airing atm most a lot of people seem to recognise it if they see me with my phone on the train. While we were wondering around we saw some girls getting interviewed which we thought might be normal for the place. Japan loves Korea and loves hating it too so they talk about it all the time on TV, we though it was for that. We ran away since we looked bad and kinda stood out as the only foreigners there that day.
THEN we saw why the cameras were really about that day. There was another crowd of people up the street and a big blacked out people carrier. We stayed to watch and saw some women getting in to the car. My friend asked the camera man in Korean who it was and he told us it was BROWN EYED GIRLS!!! We kya'd about that for a bit but then had to run away again because the camera guy realised it was a Korean speaking foreigner and therefore must be interviewed. I've been back since (looking better in case of interview) but it's never been that hyper and eventful since. And now to k-pop corner close up:
Oh and what might be that suspicious looking Big Bang box in top of my wardrobe you wonder? Let's have a closer look....
Now I can stan with the rest of the VIP's